Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Current Query Letter for My New Book: Quintessence

Well, a sort of synopsis really...

QUINTESSENCE is not your typical story about the futile attempts of a man seeking revenge for his sister’s death—
…Well, maybe a little bit. 

The truth is it’s been six years and Sunaru still can’t get over it. She bled to death—in his arms. Surely that fact alone constitutes his actions as reasonable. Either way—with the added weight on his shoulders from the unnatural and seemingly forced existence in the hometown of his childhood memories, Sunaru was compelled to seek an alternative route for resolution.

But the real issues at hand were bigger than the world perceived through Sunaru’s eyes—and the same unnatural force pushing Sunaru to face the past and accept the truth—resolved within itself all the energy it contained to guide and inspire Sunaru to wake up, open his eyes, and discover the larger realities at hand.

By the time Sunaru manages to open his heart to the world however, he quickly discovers a bittersweet awareness—and breaking his oath to never use both his swords, Sunaru embraces more than just the warrior within as he stands before the army of Molacchio’s henchmen.

Even the woman who prophesized the birth of Sunaru and his twin sister couldn’t have seen this ending coming.

…Well, actually she could—but it’s not like she’d be able to remember it.

Written and illustrated by M. Schwartz